Authentic Leadership

Main Points

            The core of authentic leadership centers around “the confluence of positive psychology, transformational leadership, and moral/ ethical leadership” (Komives, Lucas & McMahon, 2013, p. 86).  It takes a segments of the ideas from these three forms of leadership to make authentic leadership. Authentic leadership is very much based around the personality of the leader.  An authentic leader is a person who is true to themselves, positive, optimistic, sees the big picture and wins over those working for them (Komives et al., 2013).  Kevin Kruse (2013) in an article for Forbes magazine found four common themes that theorists believe the authentic leader possesses.  These four characteristics are:

  • ·         Authentic leaders are self-aware and genuine.
  • Authentic leaders are mission driven and focused on results.
  • Authentic leaders lead with their heart, not just their minds
  • ·         Authentic leaders focus on the long-term.

In authentic leadership followers are very important and highly valued (Komives et al., 2013).  In order for authentic leadership to take place so must authentic followership.  The leader has a clear and honest relationship with the followers and therefore the follower builds self efficacy, develops their skills, stays positive, and stays true to the leader (Komives et al., 2013).  It’s all about leading by example in this theory and since the authentic leader is real, honest, ethical and has a positive outlook on the future the follower also exhibits these traits (George, Sims, McLean & Mayer, 2007).


–          People with a diverse range of leadership styles can be authentic leaders.

–          Authentic leaders are guided by deep personal values and beliefs.

–          The leaders are very connected to the followers and help foster the development of the followers.

–          The leaders are interested in truly making a difference and empowering the people they work with to do the same (Curtiss, 2013)


–          Can take extended time and experience to develop an authentic leadership style.

–          An authentic leader must truly know and understand themselves. If the leader does not understand themselves they will fail as an authentic leader.

–          Can be hard for followers to trust a new leader if an old leader was corrupt or not genuine

Practical Implications

            Today’s college students are team minded and feel the most comfortable working as part of a collaborative group. Additionally, the desire to be a team player comes as part of the values they possess.  Authentic leadership is centered around the leader and the followers being dependent on each other while helping each other achieve the larger goal.

I believe this is something that college students today can really understand and embrace.  While this leadership style can come naturally in some ways to students today, it can really push students to more fully understand themselves as a leader or follower and the interdependence that makes they connected as a team.  This can be a leadership style that many students today can understand and embrace due to their natural abilities to work as a group to achieve the a greater good.



Curtiss, S. (2013). Leading today for leaders tomorrow. Retrieved from

George, B., Sims, P., McLean, A. & Mayer, D. (2007). Discovering your authentic leadership. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

Komives, S. R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T. R. (2013). Exploring leadership: For college students who want to make a difference. (3rd ed.) San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Kruse, K. (2013). What is authentic leadership? Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from

7 responses to “Authentic Leadership

  1. With the inclusion of characteristics for authentic leaders, it seems like there might also be some of the Trait Approach included, as well. Also, good idea with bringing in the team approach in relation to the follower role.

    • Tiffany- I definitely see the tie between trait approach and authentic leadership. I think that is a great point you make. It seems that both theories make the point that the leader is someone who was not born but possesses certain qualities such as genuineness and sincerity. These traits can be developed and fostered throughout the leaders time and experiences.

    • I agree with this observation. I would say that Authentic Leadership embraces some of the nobler traits found in the Trait Approach. A big difference is that Authentic Leadership places much more emphasis on the role of the followers.

      • I would say that is a very accurate way of looking at the differences between these two models. The followers are a very important part of this leadership model and teamwork between the leader and the followers is also a very important connection.

  2. You noted that it “can be hard for followers to trust a new leader if an old leader was corrupt or not genuine.” Did you find anything in the literature that draws upon authentic leaders experiences in overcoming a previous “corrupt” leaders short-comings?

    • Tommy I did not see anything in the literature that I read that discussed the how an authentic leader would overcome a corrupt leaders impact on the people working with that leader. It is a very interesting idea though that I would like to find more information about. If I find any further information about that I will pass it along to you.

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